Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Proposition 8

This post is gonna be a doozy so brace yourselves... My BFF (can't believe I actually used that) Kara sent this to me last week regarding Proposition 8 on the California ballot - If you know anyone who lives there, please pass this info along. The story following was one I received a few times in the last few days - SHOCKING that people are still so opposed to gospel standards! I just don't understand!

Hi everyone,
I know that we have already sent out emails to a few of you, but we wanted to let everyone know what is happening here in California. In 2000, with 61% of the vote, Californians decided that same-sex marriage should not to be legal in their state. Later, the CA Supreme Court overturned that decision (3-4) saying it was unconstitutional. Proposition 8, which is on the ballot for this November, would make 'only marriage between a man and a woman valid and recognized in California'. This measure is an amendment to the CA state constitution and would therefore have the staying power Proposition 22 did not.

Rich and I feel that it is very important to involve everyone we can on the matters that are happening right now in California. The effects are huge and possibly nationwide, as we have seen in other state like Massachusetts and Florida. Last week we attended a broadcast given by the leaders of our church regarding Proposition 8. Elder Ballard, Elder Cook and Elder Clayton spoke. They said that Proposition 8 is 'a major concern of the leaders of the church.' They encouraged us to tell family and friends to register to vote. We hope all of you who can register to vote in California will do so. They asked the young people and young married couples to get involved in the conversations on the internet about Proposition 8. They encouraged us to use the new website: in our blogs, websites, conversations, etc. It is a wonderful website with videos and information regarding the sacred union of marriage between a man and woman and the church's views on Prop 8. The purpose of this email is to ask and encourage each of you to get involved in some way. I know some most of you are out of state, but there are still so many things you can do. Maybe you could email friends, donate money or perhaps you can put this website ( or some of the things it has on it on your blogs for others to read. Spreading the word is very mportant. We have spent 3 Saturday mornings going door to door, and many other hours making phone calls from our home, trying to talk to people about Proposition 8 and the consequences of its failure to pass. Many people I talked to are simply confused/uninformed and wanted to vote no to preserve marriage when a YES vote is for the preservation of traditional marriage. So, just getting the word out is important.

The consequences of Prop 8 not passing are great. I have attached a website listing some of those consequences. Reading them was a turning point for me and realizing that they can and actually are starting to happen is part of what motivated us to get involved. We don't wish to discriminate against same-sex couples, and Prop 8 does not (under CA law, 'domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits' as married spouses [Family Code 297.5]) simply preserves our rights to traditional marriage and to teach our children such. Rich and I were also asked by the bishop to teach a lesson to the ward about the importance of the passing of this measure and preserving the family. It was a great way for us to read the words of the prophet about how important this issue is and how urgently our action is needed. The 1st Presidency wrote in a letter dated June 20, 2008: 'We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your means and time to assure that marriage in California is legally defined as being between a man and a woman. Our best efforts are required to preserve the sacred institution of marriage.' Area authority Elder John C. Dalton referred to this time as 'a battle we must win!' Unfortunately, in a state as liberal as CA it will be an uphill climb. Rich and I both feel that greater things are at stake than it may seem.

There are many things we can do here in CA, and we feel that one of the ways we 'can do all we can,' as we were asked by the 1st presidency, is to network with friends and family. We hope we can all work together to be a 'mighty army' as Elder Ballard said last week. We have attached links to some pivotal websites if you would like more information: newsroom gives the church's official stand on Prop 8:

The consequences if Prop 8 fails:

The Best Gift, a beautiful video about the family produced by some members in our ward:

The experiences of a family in Massachusetts who's 5 year old was taught in school about same-sex marriage:

An article from the San Francisco Chronicle telling of a first-grade class taking a field
trip to witness a lesbian wedding:

A non-religious website giving more info:

Thank you for your help, especially your prayers! We love you all and hope you are well.

Kara, Rich and the fam

Current story:
Dear family and friends,

I had a very disturbing experience yesterday that I would like to share with
those of you that live outside of California (or outside of the San Francisco Bay Area).

This weekend we have stake conference. Our stake conference always begins with a stake temple session on Friday or Thursday night. Early Friday morning I received a call from the second counselor in our bishopric to let me know that there would be numerous protesters outside the temple, and to remind everyone to stay calm and to drive carefully. The beautiful Oakland Temple is located right across the bay from San Francisco , very close to the city of Berkeley. Apparently the opposition to proposition 8, the amendment that seeks to make marriage in CA between a man and a woman again, has realized the deep involvement of the church and begun to protest right outside of the temple and harass temple patrons. The fastest way to get to the temple from our house is to take the 680 freeway, but the exit is a bit tricky. The off ramp is extremely short and straight uphill. You then make an almost blind left turn, an immediate right and another left into the parking lot. As we! approached the off ramp, I realized there would be trouble. There was a backup onto the freeway from cars stalled on the off ramp. As we moved forward inches at a time, we realized this was due to a large group of loud protesters who were standing on both sides of the street, yelling, screaming and waving signs. When we got to the top of the offramp, ready to make our turn, one protester jumped out right in front of our car. It took my husband all his self control to carefully maneuver around him to the left and proceed to the temple. I tried not to listen to all they were shouting at us, but I was shaking as I got to the temple front door. Several of the sisters, especially the ones driving on their own, were crying (which made me snap out of it and go into RS President mode to comfort them). Later, as I was sitting in the perfect quiet of the chapel, I couldn't help but think of Lehi's dream, and the people who mocked the Saints from the big spacious building but 'we heeded them not.' It was a truly surreal experience, I'd never thought that I would have to go through an angry crowd to get to the temple. As we left late at night, the protesters had dispersed, temple security (who all looked very large and Tongan) stood by the gates. I never saw a single police man.

Please pray for those of us in California fighting for prop 8--it's getting
kind of scary out here!


Let's all keep these folks in our prayers & PRAY that the Lord works His miracle in a few weeks...

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