Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Economics by Jarrett

I know we are all concerned about the economy these days. Joe and I are baffled by the whole 'wealth distribution' thing and I guess we have been talking about it a little too much around the house. While it would be great to get a little extra cash, it is simply ludicrous to tax those who 'make too much' and who are providing jobs! I digress... It's simple economics to me & apparantly to Jarrett too (he will be 3 next month)....

This morning Joe got hurt really badly (we still don't know if he threw his back out or tore something, but he is in a lot of pain). Jarrett was in the room when he had to call into work saying he would not be there today (which NEVER happens).
His response: "Daddy no work?"
Joe: "No son, daddy can't go to work today"
(brief contemplating pause)
Jarrett: "Oh, Daddy no money?"

And there you have it - economics that a 2 year old can understand. You work hard and you get your OWN money - DUH!!


Kelly said...

Brilliant, and from the mouth of babes.

Travis and Rhonda said...

I love keeping up with you guys --cute kids!! I grabbed the family sticker idea from you. Way cute blog.

John D. Morris said...

Maybe you should have him write to Obama to teach him about where money comes from, and that you have to get it honestly.

Love the blog.

Julie T. said...

Jarrett for President!!!!