Thursday, October 9, 2008

one little word...

So, today I am amazed that one little word can change my whole perspective on life. Jocelynn started to ramble 'mamamama' a few days ago, but today it seems that she has linked her ramblings to ME! If I put her down or walked away from her, she cried, "mamamama" - of course I could come running back to her (I am such a sucker). After about half a dozen times she started to call my name without the crying. SHE KNOWS MY NAME!!
I don't care about what is going on the world today, I don't care how terrible I feel today, I don't even care that I didn't finish the laundry today... MY BABY KNOWS ME!! YIPEE!!

p.s. did you see how I figured out how to underline in html - look out - i'm getting all technical up in here!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Eli is doing the same thing almost. He has mama and baba and they are linked together and he knows I am the only one who can help him in that department.

You should get Melanie to go with you to that movie. She is an obsessed fan.