Sunday, September 28, 2008

Oh, Well!!

Today has been quite an 'ah ha' day for me. It started out as crazy as always - rushing to get everyone to church on time. My theory still stands: I can either eat breakfast or take a shower, but if I attempt both - we are late. Anyway, besides a large breakfast for Joe's birthday (Happy B-day Honey) I knew we were going to have some trouble when Joe started to get sick. Luckily the boys were bathed before that happened & since he was going to be staying home, so was the baby. At this point I am thinking, "Great! We are going to only be a few minutes late & I can actually sit through all of Sunday School & Relief Society!"

I jinxed myself. The boys started fighting, Jillian wanted her hair braided just so, I still had to put some makeup on to cover my dark circled eyes, and Joe was still in the bathroom. At about 9:20 we finally got the bag packed - minus scriptures of course - and headed out the door. Jarrett was walking down the stairs in front of me and I that's when I noticed a strange white substance in his hair. Apparently, he wanted his hair "spikey" (like it can be fixed any other way). I quickly grabbed him in a football like hold and rushed to the bathroom. I had a dilema: he is already dressed & there is no time for a bath. Quickly, I stuck his head in the sink and began to furiously rinse whatever that was out of his hair.

Crisis averted. We arrived at church at 9:35 for 9:00 sacrament. At this point I was just happy to have made part of the meeting. The kids settle in to coloring books & as soon as I take my first sigh of relief I notice it: Jake had his pants on BACKWARDS!!

My great epiphany (aka "ahh ha" moment): OH, WELL!!! No matter how much I prepare NO day will go the way I plan. AND, going to church is so necessary no matter how easy it is to throw in the towel and ditch. It was a really great meeting today!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is funny. Cute story.