Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!

So you know the preverbial 'hole' in every house that slowly accumulates socks, toys, and random items. Well, today I found 3 such holes!! Thanks in large part to Jarrett (the master horder) my wallet was found behind his dresser along with several spoons, cars, and crayons... (that is his second wallett theft - I'm just happy that I found it 4 months quicker this time). The second spot is behind the couch where there was a plethera of capri suns and fruit snack wrappers. Not to mention one of my purses and a few favorite toys.

The BIGGEST culprit was also aprehended - the hid-a-bed!! It has been broken for some time now so we haven't used it for company in a while. However, I had a thought to pull it out and vaccuum under there & what did I find!? Our new CAMERA & the other phone handset... and at least 5 socks!!

So, if you have ever thought that there may be a nymph or some other random force keeping your precious things just out of reach... Here's hopin' you will have a "HAPPY DAY" soon enough!!

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