Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jarrett is 3!

I cannot believe it was 3 years ago this very night, Joe and I were packing up baby stuff and planning to spring Jarrett from the NICU no matter what they told us. He had been there for 10 days and I wanted him home so bad! He had already been moved to level 2 and was keeping his blood sugar up on his own for a few days, but one nurse didn't think he was taking a bottle well enough (he prefered the boob - he's no dummy). I had a speach all prepared about how I was taking him home, and if they wanted me to fax his weight in after every feeding to prove he was gaining weight I would do it. I was ready to do whatever I needed to bring my baby home!! I didn't sleep well that night. Joe and I got up the next morning, car seat and diaper bag in tow and headed for the hospital -- prepared for a fight. We arrived and the nurse saw the car seat and said, "Oh, you must have gotten my message. That was fast." Apparently, she had called after we left to tell us he could come home. Good thing for her because there woulda been a smackdown in the NICU that day. So, our little 4lb 11oz squirt came home on December 1, 2005 & our lives have not been the same.
Jarrett is so full of life and spunk. He loves to make people laugh which is apparent by his extensive array of 'faces'. If he is really excited to see someone, he doesn't say "hi" like a normal person... He will contort his face in the newest fashion to get his preferred reaction (giggles). Such a character!! I am so proud of our little champ!!

We just had a little family party this year. Grandma Janet made a cupcake Lightning McQueen (or iting a-ing) cake. We just had cake, ice cream, and presents at the park - such a beautiful day!!
"Ooh, ank you oomy.... ank you oomy.... ank you oomy" Jimmy's gift got the best reaction!!

Even better than when he saw his B-I-K-E. He just got this grin and hopped right on... and yes, we did get him a helmet.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I LOVE that picture of the two of you together. You will cherish that one for as long as you live.